Transtronics, Inc.

And just who IS Transtronics, Inc. ?


Transtronics, Inc. started business in 1979 and manufactures and sells Industrial control, PC test equipment, Electronics kits and more. We have also been involved in electronic design services and worked on a wide variety of projects from non-linear video editing systems to infrared temperature measurement. We offer no public stock, have no debt, and are now on our third decade with golden credit.

How we a different

We surpass other companies with our customer service – we have our phone and address on every web page (unlike most fortune 500 companies that for some reason think getting phone calls from customers is a bad thing?) We also have humans answer our telephone, email and FAXs. Once in a while you may get an answering machine if there is a call overflow, but we return all messages ASAP. Our shipping department stays here until everything that can be shipped is packaged and ready to go; we don't sit on orders and always provide the truth about stock status.

Privacy statement:

We will never email you anything that you haven't asked for. The only personal information we collect is from orders and is used only for shipping and billing. We won't sell your contact information; never have and never will. We don't send SPAM mail – so be sure to bookmark our site if you might need us in the future. For some reason our customers come back, without us annoying them with unwanted phone calls and E-mail.

Website Philosophy

Our website is designed for our customers - not to show off in the board room over the local network. What that means is that we assume that users are connected via a 14400 MODEM thus we keep our graphics small and do everything we can to return content quickly. You will find no graphical buttons, animated gadgets and other bandwidth consuming garbage. What you will find is a plain site with information that lets do your job and hopefully will let you buy some of our products. The simplicity of our web pages make them compatible with Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Home TV, AOL and other browsers.

We have been on the web since 1994 and never thought the web as a way to get rich quick. It saves money by reducing costs of doing business, but there will never be a web applet that replaces caring about the customer or eliminates the work of doing business.

Transtronics, Inc. 3209 W.9th street
Lawrence, KS 66049


(785) 841 3089
(785) 841 0434
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